Thursday, August 20, 2015

IMVU Get Matched

IMVU is an awesome game. In IMVU you can be anyone/anything you want to be. Many people go on IMVU to troll. Others go on IMVU, to find their-selves a boyfriend/girlfriend. Some IMVU relationships lasts for a little bit time, and others last for like months and even years. For me, unfortunately, my relationships don't last that long. I have been in a relationship for 2 months while i was on IMVU and then another one for like about 3 months and then we had to separate because she had a boyfriend in real life. IMVU is like an amazing game, but like it could get you worked up/ heart broken.  As stated in one of my videos "When the heart you want has no desire to be one." This is just to say that many people on IMVU are not loyal, and some of them will be married but will still be flirting with other guys/girls. Sometimes, you just want to give up and forget about that IMVU dating stuff. And this is the reason why I've been single for 4 months. I mean yeah, I would date in real life, but you know, I want a relationship that would be durable. I'm not going to date someone, in the middle of Sophomore year, and then break up because we are going to a different college. But yeah, thats not the reason why I made this blog.  (Not to talk about my person life on rl, but about my personal life on IMVU).

So, this part of this blog is about the IMVU Get Matched. So, yeah as usual, many people go on the get matched part of IMVU just to get a girlfriend/boyfriend. At least I hope so.. :|. :D. So, yeah, the other day, I was on IMVU Get Matched, you know just to see, if there are some "LOYAL" people out there and I was like, oh let me look for someone who is somewhat like me.

       "Someone who is into Books, because I am a writer. I write on wattpad, about IMVU stories and stuff like that. One of my books is called "Is Love Really As It Seems?, In this book you see, both about Johnson and Jeanette's life. Here are the characters. :D

This is one of the main characters. This character over here is Johnson. Johnson is a very funny character. He's always trying to find a way to help other people. In one part of the story something bad has happened to Jeanette that may have caused her to almost kill herself, and it was his great speaking skills that helped her from doing such thing. He has been in many relationships and stuff like that, but he's always the one that gets his heart broken. In this beginning of the story, he explained about how life in high school in real life vs. life in high school in the movies are not as they seem. In the movies everything seems awesome, and stuff like that but then in real life, 'HIGH SCHOOL IS THE MOST BORING FOUR YEARS IN MY WHOLE LIFE TIME, APART FROM THE THREE YEARS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL."

This is the cover of the story, and as you can see the girl in the picture is Jeanette. Jeanette is a very hilarious girl as well. I mean yeah she has bad temper. But she also got a soft side. Her father has abandoned her when she was little and every time someone talks about how they love their fathers and stuff like that she always gets angry and sad and leaves. I can relate to her because I too, has been in the same situation as her. My father denied me as a son, but I have learned to get over it because, I don't want to be giving someone who doesn't care about me my full attention, I hope that Jeanette will find that inside her as well. Well, I can't be talking about this as well, because I have to talk about "IMVU Get Matched." Well, before I leave this Chapter, let me give you the summary of the book which I'm pretty sure that you guys will enjoy :D.
        ~"Hope is a thing with feathers.
That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all." ~Emily Dickinson That's exactly, how I think of her. She made me feel something that I've never felt before. I know that no one is truly perfect, but she just fits the ________. Could someone you never said a word to, be your center of attention? Just like you ladies and your one direction crushes, I just can't stop thinking about her.
Interested? Read the full book  @

        Other than someone who was interested into books, I was also looking for someone who was into photography, because I as well am a photographer. I photograph many things such as models and more. Many people, usually come to me to edit their pictures because I am a pro editor. These are some of my works.

I edit in many different kind of ways. I can cartoonify your IMVU avatar, or I can dosomething  like this. Which is from photoshop. I take my work very serious, so yeah, I do these things either for real money/ IMVU credits. Many people, usualy pay me in IMVU credits, but as of right now I am currently looking for someone with a paypal, because I am trying to save up to upgrade, from an iPhone 5 to and iPhone 6. If you are a true fan of iPhones you would know how serious it is to get an iPhone 6. I have been dying for the chance to find a way to afford the iPhone 6. So, this crazy idea came, when i was like oh, why don't I charge people for my edits :D. But yeah, I'm not that desperate, i wouldn't charge my people a lot of money. So yeah for an edit like this one, i would charge the person 3 dollars because I would usually charge them 3,000 IMVU Credits, if you go and try to buy IMVU credits, for ever 1,000 IMVU credits thats 1 dollar, so yeah this is the reason why I came up with this idea.

The Second kinds of edits that i do, is the cartoonify ones. I take your photos and take off your the background, and then I edit your pictures, until I find a way to make it turn  into a cartoon. If you're someone who plays IMVU, IMVU is in 3D, so seeing you're IMVU Character, in 2D, is like an amazing thing to see. Even i was amazed when I saw my IMVU avatar in 2D. By the way this is one of my fans. *Excuse me* Not fans, I mean friends, because once, you subscribe to my YouTube Channel and tell me that the things that I am doing are amazing. I won't name you something that will make you look smaller than me. Because everything that I do on YouTube, other people can do them as well. Some of them also, do them better than me. But even if I know that what I do may not be that important to other people you guys make me more positive by all of your nice comments and stuff like that. So, all of you guys who subscribed to my channel, aren't fans, you guys are friends. <3. And I love all of you guys. And btw this is Maya. :D. Thank you Maya for being an awesome person. :D and those pictures are like worth $2. Not much but its ok. :D

Other pictures that I edit are pictures like this one. I decided to
Make these pictures cost like about $1 because, All, I do, is edit some stuff onto it. I mean, it does take a lot of skills and time, but yeah, it doesn't take as long as cartoonifying, because for the cartoonifying, it takes me about 1 hour in order, to get it into cartoon and then another hour to edit and and this one, only takes me one hour to edit. yeah, thats a pretty long time, but yeah, I mean not everyone is ok, with paying you real money for IMVU edits, but you know, who will say no to a dollar?. I sure wouldn't. I mean a dollar is small but it does make a huge difference in people's lives and stuff like that.  It takes like a thousand apps and websites in order to get them pictures to look the way that they look. Well, yeah I'm going to have to move on, and stop talking about photography, because this blog is once again about IMVU Get matched. So, yeah, my number is 862-438-4122. (MESSAGE) Me, if you are interested and stuff like that because I gotta continue on with this blog.

    Other than someone who is interested in photography I was also looking for someone who was interested in Music Videos as well, because I too am someone who makes IMVU Music Videos. And I will be showing you guys 2 of my top videos. i determine which videos are the top ones, by how many views they get and stuff like that. So, yeah up for # 1 is my Post To Be IMVU Music Video, Because that video got like 700 Views and is still counting.

I think I would've had like more than 700 views because when i first posted this video I had like about 200 views and then this crazy idea, came in my mind, and I was like, oh i'm going to delete all of my IMVU Music Videos and just turn this website into a vlogging channel, and then I realized how dumb, that idea was and now, all the other videos that I had like 100, 200, 300 views in are like in 10-20 views, except for this one who is in 700 (would've been 900 views) and black widow which is 190 something, which would have been (300). Well, I hope that you enjoy :D.

The second video, that has a lot of views in my video "IMVU Fucking Problem IMVU Music Video", To Be Honest, i knew that this video was going to get a lot of views because that was my first video that i used the green screen effect on. But I didn't know if the, IMVU Post To Be, was going to get twice its views. :D this one has about 500 Views. :D. In this video, my best friend, DiftBrans, was part of this music video, he played the part of Drake, and he also has a YouTube Channel @ D_IndianfromTrini. His videos are like way more awesome than mine :D. But you know, I'm unique in my own way. :D, well moving along with this, let me finish telling you about my experience, in IMVU Get Matched.

Well, so yeah, other than people who are interested in Music, I was also looking for people who are interested in movies as well. Well, I am also someone who is a part of the show biz as well. :D

This video, is the first episode, of my new TV show. Many of you guys wanted to know why I started making IMVU TV Shows. And the main reason why i decided to do that was because I realized that the main thing that I wanted to be/accomplish was becoming an actor. I always wanted to be an actor, I just decided not to believe in it because many people would bring me down, so I stuck with becoming a teacher, and then i realized that becoming a teacher wasn't what I wanted to do,and I found the courage to stay true to myself, and decided on what i wanted to do before it was too late. Well, I stopped with this show because after a little while, no one except for Angel, was interested in continuing with this, because they felt as though, I had to pay them, in order to be in my show, when really, they had tons of fans. I remembered how many people, would come up to me and be like, oh this character is my favorite and stuff like that. I am going to have an audition soon, but not yet, so if you are interested.. be sure to follow..
Well, let me go on and tell you more about the IMVU Get Matched.

Well, after, I was looking for the person that fits that perfect category, I pressed the green check and as soon as I pressed that check, that instant, I was invited to a chat room with that person, a nd i was like so freaking afraid because that was like my first time, and it was really creepy how it happened that quick. But then when I got to know that person, she turned out cool, I just couldn't date her, because she was a fan of mine,and I don't date my fans. Because once, the relationship goes bad, you never know what that will turn out to be. I mean yeah, i got haters, till this day, but sometimes, people who look up to you, ruining that bond/relationship would be something that you'll regret.

So, yeah thats what happened my first time on IMVU Get Matched.

Once again... Here are my information

To know about special upcoming things/winners of competitions/and more You can either find them on my website, my InstaGram, My YouTube as always, My IMVU Group, or if you need more You can always text me.

Facebook Page, thats all about IMVU ~ If the link is not clickable~ Please copy and paste them into browser.

IMVU Group ~ (Check the Soapbox for all available competitions and everything that you need to know.

Website ~ The wesbite has everything and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING, about upcoming/past competitions.

Instagram~ < follow me on Instagram, All of the pics, such as winners of the competition and other things will be posted there, so please follow me :D.

And my YouTube is Pierre Entertainment, I'm sure you guys should know that.

And for the people who wanted to know about the show. No, I didn't write a script for the show, everything that I do is free flow. :D